Title |
Type |
Author |
Tags |
Caring and Sharing Sermons | Link | | audio sermons |
Caring and Sharing Singing | Link | | a cappella singing |
Chronological Order of Prophetic Scriptures | Chart | Harry Cobb | Bible, prophecy, scriptures, chronology |
Chronological Order of the Bible | Article | Harry Cobb | Bible, scriptures, chronology |
Scriptural Use of Contribution | Chart | Harry Cobb | contribution, funds, scriptural |
Shepherds of the Flock | Article | Harry Cobb | elders, bishops, deacons, pastors, ministers, qualifications |
What Does the Bible Say About Marriage? | Article | Bill Yarbrough | scriptural, marriage, adultery, divorce, remarriage |
Christian Modesty | Article | Bill Yarbrough | modesty, clothing, sexual immorality |
Anointing with Oil | Article | Harry Cobb | James, anointing, oil, elders, scriptural, healing |
The Modern "Pastor" | Article | Harry Cobb | pastors, scriptural, clergy, located preachers, preachers, ministers |
The "Located Minister" and His Financial Support | Article | Harry Cobb | contribution, located preachers, funds, ministers, preachers, elders, scriptural |
The Christian's Relationship to Secular Powers | Article | Harry Cobb | Romans, secular powers, authority, government |
Regarding Carnal Warfare | Article | Harry Cobb | carnal warfare, military, personal examples |
The Covering | Article | Harry Cobb | 1 Corinthians, covering, veil, hair |
The Work of an Evangelist | Article | Bill Yarbrough | evangelism, evangelists, ministers, support, work, women |
Personal Evangelism | Article | Bill Yarbrough | personal evangelism, evangelism, evangelists, personal examples |
The Church of Christ - The One Body | Article | Bill Yarbrough | Ephesians, church of Christ, Lord's church, doctrine, church service, plan of salvation, body of Christ |
Divisions and Discipline | Article | Bill Yarbrough | discipline, division, divisions, personal examples, doctrine |
The Rise and Fall of the Satanic Empire: The History of Christian Rome | Book | Tony Whiddon | Revelation, Rome, Christian, history, prophecy, Satan, Christ, God |
Napoleon Congregation Singing | Other | | congregational singing, a cappella singing |
Taylor's Cross Roads Congregation Singing | Other | | congregational singing, a cappella singing |
Different Answers to "What Must I Do to Be Saved?" | Chart | Kevin Mills | baptism, Philippian Jailer, Jews, Pentecost, Saul, Paul, believe, repent, baptize, baptized, unbeliever, believer, penitent, Acts, saved, salvation |
Studies Regarding Divorce and Remarriage | Book | Harry Cobb | divorce, marriage, remarriage, studies, study |
Revelation Commentary 2023 | Book | Tony Whiddon | Revelation, commentary, prophecy, history, future, past |
It Happens to Frogs and Men | Outline | Joe Hill | Hosea 7, spiritual decay |
Stop Acting Like a Child | Outline | Joe Hill | 1 Corinthians 13, childish, behavior, child-like |
The Church | Outline | Joe Hill | Ephesians, church, truth, foundation |
What About Tomorrow | Outline | Joe Hill | brevity of life, judgment day, tomorrow |
Act Like the Devil | Outline | Joe Hill | Matthew 10, devil, Satan, behavior |
Bridle that Tongue | Outline | Joe Hill | James 3, Proverbs 18, lying, cursing, swearing, tattling, backbiting, quarreling, unkindness, gossip, impure speech, flattery, tongue, speech |
Five Legged Dog | Outline | Joe Hill | Acts 5, Proverbs 14, seems right, false doctrine, truth |
Is One Religion as Good as Another | Outline | Joe Hill | religion, denominations, scriptural, false doctrine, truth |
Love Is the Key | Outline | Joe Hill | love, John 14, 2 John 6, commandments, service, truth, patience, unity, home, crown of life |
The Successful Man | Outline | Joe Hill | Luke 12, Ecclesiastes 12, parable, success, failure |
The Waters Prevailed | Outline | Joe Hill | Genesis 7, 2 Peter 3, unbelief, ungodliness, indifference, broadmindedness, vain efforts, procrastination |
What Shall It Be Called? | Outline | Joe Hill | Matthew 15, Ephesians 1, church, name, Christ's body, Christ's bride, foundation |
New Year - Better Focus | Outline | Mark Carpenter | goals, time management, money, attitude, church service, Bible study, prayer, evangelizing |
Handkerchief Lesson | Outline | Mark Carpenter | examples, robbing, surrender, servant
Holding Fast the Word of Life | Outline | Mark Carpenter | Philippians 2, light, God's word, shining, example |
John the Baptist | Outline | Mark Carpenter | John the Baptist, prophecies, kingdom of heaven, Jesus' life |
Master-Servant Relationship | Outline | Mark Carpenter | master, servant, obedience, reward, punishment |
Only God's Way | Outline | Mark Carpenter | examples, Saul, Nadab and Abihu, Uzzah, God's word, disobedient man of God |
Give Attendance to Reading, Exhortation, Doctrine | Outline | Mark Carpenter | 1 Timothy 4, reading, exhortation, doctrine, Bible study, God's word, encouragement, support, doctrine, women, teaching, preaching
Spiritual Growth - A Choice | Outline | Mark Carpenter | attitude, spies of Israel, walls of Jerusalem, hard times, Barnabas, encouragement, spiritual growth |
Spiritual Growth - Positive Attitude | Outline | Mark Carpenter | attitude, examples, spies of Israel, walls of Jerusalem, hard times, Barnabas, encouragement, positivity, negativity, spiritual growth |
Things You Will Not Find in Heaven | Outline | Mark Carpenter | heaven, tears, pain, death, sorrow, faith, hope, Satan, majority, unprepared, procrastination, fearful, unbelievers, abomination, murder, lying, lies |
Things You Will Find in Heaven | Outline | Mark Carpenter | heaven, rest, crown, inheritance, tree of life, book of life, joy, mansion |
What Type of Pattern Are You Setting? | Outline | Mark Carpenter | Titus 2, pattern, patterns, honesty, hypocrisy, sin, good works, repentance |
Where Are the Nine? | Outline | Mark Carpenter | Luke 17, lepers, healing, miracles, Jesus, mercy, justice, obedience, thankful, thanksgiving, Samaritan, faith |
Habits for Spiritual Growth | Outline | Mark Carpenter | habits, Bible study, prayer, assembly, church, fellowship, spiritual growth |
The Value of Role Models | Outline | Mark Carpenter | role models, parents, children, Christians, Christ, spiritual growth |
Mount Carmel 2016 Gospel Meeting Outlines | Outline | Bill Prince, Jr. | law, love, agape, loved ones, sin, antinomians, guilt, perfection, spontaneous, pride, good, bad, consequences |
Delighting in the Law | Outline | Bill Prince, Jr. | delighting, law, knowledge |
Of Law and Love | Outline | Bill Prince, Jr. | law, love |
How I Love to Love Lawfully | Outline | Bill Prince, Jr. | law, love, distraction, agape, labor |
Saving Our MPLO | Outline | Bill Prince, Jr. | loved ones, word, commitment |
Sin and the Antinomians | Outline | Bill Prince, Jr. | antinomian, guilt, perfection, sin |
Spontaneous Sin | Outline | Bill Prince, Jr. | sin, spontaneous, pride, prevention |
The Law of Unintended Consequences | Outline | Bill Prince, Jr. | unintended, consequences, good, bad, outcomes, change |
The Holy Spirit | Outline | Harry Cobb | Holy Spirit, Comforter, Jesus, God, measure, Apostles, baptism, gifts, gift, indwelling, assurance, help, intercession, purpose, hope, fruit, temptation, strength, miracles, salvation, Jews, Gentiles, Peter, Cornelius, Acts 2, Acts 10 |
From the Scriptures: Better Is. . . | Scriptures | | better, scriptures |
From the Scriptures: About the Brevity and Uncertainty of Life | Scriptures | | brevity, uncertainty, life, short, scriptures |
From the Scriptures: About Envy | Scriptures | | envy, scriptures |
From the Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 13 | Scriptures | | 1 Corinthians 13, love, charity, scriptures |
From the Scriptures: About Slothfulness | Scriptures | | slothfulness, laziness, lazy, scriptures |
From the Scriptures: About Employees | Scriptures | | employees, servants, scriptures |
From the Scriptures: About the Earth Created by God | Scriptures | | Earth, world, creation, created, God, scriptures |
From the Scriptures: About Bribery | Scriptures | | bribery, scriptures |
From the Scriptures: Isaiah 5 | Scriptures | | Isaiah 5, scriptures |
From the Scriptures: About Perseverance | Scriptures | | perseverance, patience, longsuffering, scriptures |
Prepared to Die? | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | death, die, prepare, Hezekiah, Isaiah, 2 Kings 20, judgment, preparation, heaven, hell |
From the Scriptures: Psalm 84 | Scriptures | | Psalm 84, scriptures |
Back to Creation | Harvester Article | Reprinted from the American Christian Review | Darwin, evolution, creation, Genesis, God, science |
Personal Evangelism | Harvester Article | W. S. Yarbrough | personal evangelism, evangelism, evangelists |
Apologia: What is meant by the word 'selah' found many times in Psalms? | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | Psalms, selah |
Murmuring and Disputing | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | Philippians, Numbers, murmuring, disputing, complaining, children of Israel, Moses |
Apologia: What does it mean to 'examine' our self concerning the Lord's Supper? | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Matthew, communion, Lord's Supper, examining ourselves, forgiveness, word meanings |
The Victory Is Won But the Battle Must Still Be Fought | Harvester Article | Mark Carpenter | Joshua, victory, Christian soldier, salvation |
Apologia: Is there unrighteousness with God? (Romans 9:14) | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | Romans, Genesis, Abraham, God's promises, Exodus, Pharaoh |
How to Encourage Christians | Harvester Article | Donald Thompson | Paul, encouragement, new converts, exhorting, youth |
Apologia: Why do Christians attend church on the first day of the week? | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | church, gathering, church service, commands, examples, Scriptural, Lord's Supper, communion |
Satan Can Go Only So Far | Harvester Article | Copied | Job, Satan, Lord, evil, God, sin, limits, Jesus, Christ |
By What Authority? | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | authority, Bible, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, scriptures, baptism, church, testament, covenant, Philip, Ethiopian Eunuch, Gospel, Great Commission |
Pride | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | pride, humility |
Salvation Conditional? | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | Acts, salvation, saved, Calvinism, Ethiopian eunuch,
denominations |
Apologia: Is it scriptural for a woman to lead prayer in a private setting? | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | prayer, women, scriptural, private |
Believe the Bible | Harvester Article | Joe Young | Bible, after death, belief |
Apologia: What does "call
upon the name of the Lord" mean? | Harvester Article | James E. Gibbons | call upon, name of the Lord, Christian,
worship |
Coverage of Acts 10-11 | Harvester Article | Chad Prince | Acts 10, Acts 11, Cornelius, Gentiles, Holy Spirit,
early Christianity |
Apologia: Was the vision of Cornelius proof of his salvation? | Harvester Article | James E. Gibbons | Acts 10, Acts 11, Cornelius, visions, salvation, angels |
Universal Church | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Ephesians 4, church, universal, Christ's body, church
members |
Apologia: Why was Paul qualified to be an apostle? | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | Paul,
apostle, qualifications |
The Mission Work Continues | Harvester Article | Tony Whiddon | mission work, funds |
Apologia: Do prophets still proclaim the divine message of God today? | Harvester Article | | prophets, scriptural, God's Word, message, prophesying |
Christians Arise | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | family, leaders, 2 Timothy, fear, church, correction, mega
churches, Christians |
Apologia: I believe in the existence of God. How can I get close to Him? | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | kingdom, faith, belief, works, gospel, baptism, sin, salvation, love |
Biblical Illiteracy | Harvester Article | Steven Moore | Bible, knowledge, God's Word, individuals, church, community, false prophets, evil |
Apologia: Should Christians fast? | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | fasting, Old Testament examples, Israel, David, Ahab, elders, marriage, Ezra, Nineveh, pride, humility |
Gospel | Harvester Article | | Restoration movement, Alexander Campbell, history, gospel, Bible, Saul, Paul,
unity |
Apologia: What is "faith" and how important is it? | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | faith, Hebrews 11, James 2, hope, creation, commandment, works, graces, agape |
8 | Harvester Article | | Psalm, praise |
Why Should We Praise God? | Harvester Article | Tony Whiddon | praise, God, pride, humility, David, Psalms |
Apologia: How do we get the Holy Spirit? | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | Holy Spirit, Calvinism, gospel, baptism, Acts 2, Mark 16, faith, works, James 2, obedience, salvation |
The Rapture? | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | rapture, antichrist, second coming, tribulation, scriptural, 2 Thessalonians, Daniel, Revelation |
Apologia: What does God's grace mean to Christians? | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Christians, Christian, grace, Ephesians, salvation |
of the Angels (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | 1 Corinthians 11, angels, hair, power, submission |
Apologia: Why do we sing in our church assemblies? | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Colossians 3,
Ephesians 5, singing, church, assembly, encouragement, worship |
Must I Go, and Empty-handed? | Harvester Article | | hymns |
A Long
Life | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Deuteronomy 5, children, parents, long life, eternity, Ephesians 6,
obedience |
Apologia: How did Jesus appear to the human eye? | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | appearance, Jesus |
Not to Think Too Highly of Self | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | pride, humility, abilities, Paul, 2 Corinthians 12,
parable of the talents |
Popularity | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | popularity, fame, power, King Saul, David, John the Baptist, Herod, obedience, world, friends, Jesus |
Sinning Willfully | Harvester Article | Tony Whiddon | sin, sinning, Hebrews 10, church attendance, Sunday, Lord's Supper, communion, assembly |
Apologia: What is grace? | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | grace, forgiveness, gift, salvation |
"The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth" | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | Matthew 5, beatitudes, meekness, meek, sermon on the mount, examples |
Apologia: Questions about baptism | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | baptism, scriptural, immersion, sprinkling, water, blood, death, burial, forgiveness |
Love Your Fellow Christian | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | love, charity, Good Samaritan, brethren, Christian,
servant |
Apologia: Roman time versus creation time | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | time, Roman,
creation, Gospel of John, John, calendar, hour |
Teachings of Christ | Harvester Article | Joe Young | Christ, Door, Way, Bread of Life, Shepherd, Light |
Apologia: Is the Ethiopian woman in Numbers 12 Zipporah? | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Numbers 12, Zipporah, Moses, Ethiopian, Jethro, Reuel, Midianites |
Fruits of the Spirit: Love | Harvester Article | Chad Prince | Galatians 5, fruit, spirit, love, agape, heart, soul,
mind |
Apologia: Are Paul and James at odds with each other concerning works? | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | Ephesians 2, Paul, James 2, works, faith, Abraham, law, work |
Ordinary People | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | Peter, John, evangelism, Acts 4, preaching, words, faith, Christ, Christian, ordinary |
Hospitality | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | hospitality, strangers, love, angels, Abraham, Lot, elders, bishops, Christian, brethren |
Fruits of the Spirit: Joy | Harvester Article | Chad Prince | fruits, fruit, spirit, joy, Holy Spirit, Galatians 5, worship, sin, rejoice |
Apologia: What are the pricks spoken of in Acts 9:5? | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | Paul, Saul, Acts 9, King Agrippa, pricks, goad, oxen, apologia, submission, master, obey, obedience |
Fruits of the Spirit: Peace | Harvester Article | Chad Prince | fruits, fruit, spirit, peace, Galatians 5 |
Subject to the Government | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Romans 13, Kingdom of God, kingdom, government, rulers, laws, law, ordinances, obey, obedience |
God Is Able | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | God, able, patience, endurance, assurance, faith |
Afraid to Die? | Harvester Article | Author Unknown | afraid, die, death, heaven, poem |
Word Search: 16 Books of the Bible Paragraph | Other | Copied | word, search, books, Bible, paragraph |
Satan Does Not Play Fair! | Harvester Article | Mark Carpenter | Satan, devil, play, fair, devices, lion, false apostles, truth, lies, liar, Word, Bible, God, evil, armor, Ephesians 2 |
Boldness | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | boldness, Paul, faith, confess, confession, ashamed |
Word Search Answers: 16 Books of the Bible Paragraph | Other | Copied | word, search, books, Bible, paragraph, answers |
Fruits of the Spirit: Longsuffering | Harvester Article | Chad Prince | Galatians 5, longsuffering, patience, fruits, spirit, fruit, David, unmerciful servant, love |
"Shining as Lights" | Harvester Article | Gregg Moore | Christians, world, living, Philippians 2, shining, light, lights, Paul, sword, spirit, work, fear, trembling, complaining, murmuring |
"That No Man Should Be Moved By These Afflictions" | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | afflictions, man, moved, 1 Thessalonians 3, pain, sorrow, affliction, suffering, suffer, patience, trials, temptations, example, endurance, old age, weakness, infirmities, infirmity, chastening, decisions, natural law |
Fruits of the Spirit: Gentleness | Harvester Article | Chad Prince | Galatians 5, fruit, fruits, spirit, hospitality, kindness, kind, love, gentle |
True Success Means Faithfulness | Harvester Article | Copied | parable, talents, success, faithfulness, kingdom |
By What Authority? | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | authority, Bible, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, scriptures, baptism, church, testament, covenant, Philip, Ethiopian Eunuch, Gospel, Great Commission |
Satan Can Go Only So Far | Harvester Article | Copied | Job, Satan, Lord, evil, God, sin, limits, Jesus, Christ |
"I Shall Go to Him" | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | David, death, mourning, Bathsheba, Nathan, sin, salvation, confess, confession, grief, sorrow, love, worship, fasting, fast, prayer, pray, paradise, heaven, faith |
Written for Our Learning | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Old Testament, example, examples, scripture, scriptures, Noah, flood, Lot, Abraham, angels, Joseph, Moses, Gideon, David, Solomon, Elijah, Job, Daniel, Israel, Israelites, learn, learning |
Discouragement | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | discouragement, encouragement, examples, Elijah, Jesus, Hebrews 11, faith, assembly |
Fruits of the Spirit: Goodness | Harvester Article | Chad Prince | Galatians 5, fruits, fruit, spirit, goodness, kindness, friends, friend, evil, Barnabas, Dorcas, Tabitha |
Leaving a Legacy | Harvester Article | Tony & Kim Whiddon | legacy, leaving, love, parents, children, descendants, Naomi, Ruth |
Adversity | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | adversity, Christian soldier, struggles, 2 Corinthians 4, Paul, tribulations, pain, Job, growth |
Psalms 2 | Harvester Article | | Psalms |
No Authority Except from God | Harvester Article | Copied | Psalms 2, Psalm, Romans 13, authority, government, God, king, leader, power |
Fruits of the Spirit: Faith | Harvester Article | Chad Prince | faith, fruit, spirit, Galatians 5, fruits, belief, reliability, character, James, family, relationship, action, God |
Are You Faithful? | Harvester Article | Copied | faith, faithful |
Society's Divisions Affect Believers | Harvester Article | Copied | Acts 6, widows, society, division, believers, attitudes, actions, culture, values |
Covetousness and the Last Sin | Harvester Article | Bill Prince, Jr. | covetousness, covet, last, sin, commandments, rich, young, ruler, wealth, money, lack, guilt, lust, Word, Jesus, Exodus 20, Matthew 19, Mark 10, Luke 18 |
The Mystery | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | mystery, Bible, plan, Jesus, Christ, secret, revelation, salvation, prophets, 1 Timothy 3 |
Fruits of the Spirit: Meekness | Harvester Article | Chad Prince | fruit, spirit, meek, meekness, control, calm, power, Christ, Jesus, Galatians 5 |
Redeem Your Time | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | redeem, time, sabbath, rest, prayer, wisdom, prepare, opportunities |
Peer Pressure | Harvester Article | Scott Carpenter | peer, pressure, drugs, alcohol, drunkeness, sin, Satan, fornication, media, friends, relationship, Christian, lifestyle |
The Joy of Living the Christian Life | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | joy, living, Christian, life, cheer, earthly life, problems, failures, attitude, Paul, Christ, Jesus, praise, thanksgiving, gladness |
Fruits of the Spirit: Temperance | Harvester Article | Chad Prince | fruit, fruits, spirit, Galatians 5, temperance, self-control, discipline, Felix, Paul, habits, sin, obedience |
Senior Version of "Jesus Loves Me" | Other | Submitted by Mike Kirby | hymn, Jesus, love, senior |
Temple of God | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | temple, God, body, Holy Spirit, spirit, flesh, gift, indwelling, sexual immorality, words, tongue, evil, defile |
No Divisions | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | division, divisions, 1 Corinthians 11, brothers, family, carnal, differences, unity |
"I Have Things to Do" | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | life, time, priorities, priority, Matthew 6, material, temporal, eternity |
God's Purpose for the Congregation | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | God, purpose, congregation, church, Mark 12, Matthew 28, love, neighbor, teach, preach, baptize, baptism, believe, edify, edification, gift, talent |
The Acts of Committing Sedition | Harvester Article | A. D. Pendergrass | Acts 24, sedition, government, rebel, rebellion, division |
"Faith Only" Texts in Context - Part 1 | Harvester Article | Franklin T. Puckett | faith only, Luther, Catholic, faith alone, James, scripture, texts, salvation, saved, obedience, Jesus |
The Lord God | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Lord, God, Father, Exodus 34, power, mercy, grace, long-suffering, goodness, truth |
From the Scriptures: God's Power | Scriptures | | power, God, Colossians 1, 1 Chronicles 29, Ephesians 1 |
"Faith Only" Texts in Context - Part 2 | Harvester Article | Franklin T. Puckett | faith only, faith alone, John, scripture, texts, salvation, saved, obedience, Jesus, belief, confession, sons of God |
Washed | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | washed, stain, sin, blood, Jesus, clean, Lord's Supper |
"Faith Only" Texts in Context - Part 3 | Harvester Article | Franklin T. Puckett | faith only, faith alone, James, salvation, obedience, obey, works, Ephesians 2, 1 John 5, faith |
Edify Your Brother | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | edify, edification, brother, sister, brethren, assembly, church, love, speaker, speaking, singer, singing, prayer, praying |
It Is Written | Harvester Article | G. A. Trott | written, scripture, Bible, Romans 15, word, |
I Walked a Mile with Pleasure | Other | Robert Browning Hamilton | poem, sorrow, pleasure |
From the Scriptures: Sorrow | Scriptures | | sorrow, mourn, comfort, distress, tribulation, affliction, joy, patience |
Saved By Grace | Harvester Article | Edward Herren | saved, salvation, grace, truth, John, gospel, Jesus, Christ, faith, baptism, baptized, Paul, Bible, scriptures |
Thoughts on the Resurrection | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | resurrection, Messiah, prophecy, prophets, Old Testament, Jesus, disciples |
The Sin of Lying | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | sin, lying, lie, truth, cruelty, Jesus, love |
Run the Race | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | run, race, Paul, crown, prize, athletes, training, endurance |
Test All Things | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | test, prove, things, try, 1 Thessalonians 5, standard, Bible, word, God, false prophets, fruit, Gnostics, heresy, doctrine, itching ears, truth |
You May Have the Joy-Bells | Other | J. Edward Ruark | song, joy-bells, heart |
Contentment (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Tony Whiddon | contentment, happy, happiness, Solomon, money, fame, career, success, David, Paul, God, relationship, Hebrews 13 |
Against the Current | Harvester Article | Tony Whiddon | current, salmon, nature, against, instinct, God, creation, law, home |
In a Worthy Manner | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | worthy, manner, communion, Lord's Supper, Corinthian, 1 Corinthians 11, singing, prayer, worship |
The Beginning of Day | Other | Sam Dick | beginning, day, dawn, worship, poem, poetry, praise |
Sin and Temptation | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | sin, temptation, God, salvation, church, grace, love, faith, lust, forgive, forgiveness, prayer |
Word Search: 30 Books of the Bible Paragraph | Other | Copied | word, search, books, Bible, paragraph |
Be Your Best Self | Other | Anonymous | best, self, poem, poetry |
Growing Your Faith | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | growing, faith, Thessalonica, 2 Thessalonians, creation, belief, study, Bible, word, Hebrews 11, Old Testament, prophesies, prophecies, prophecy, Christians, church |
Word Search Answers: 30 Books of the Bible Paragraph | Other | Copied | word, search, books, Bible, paragraph, answers |
Being an Encouragement | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | encouragement, Christian, services, worship, men, preaching, praying, singing, Lord's Supper, members, parable, talents, Matthew 25, ability, abilities, edify, encouraging |
What Is Love? | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | love, 1 Corinthians 13, agape, charity, patience, patient, kind, envy, pride, boasting, humble, humility, behavior, selfish, unselfish, provoke, anger, thoughts, think, evil, motive, iniquity, truth, believe, hope, endure, endurance, fail, survive, permanent, God, bear |
How Truth Causes Division (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | truth, division, unity, John 17, Jesus, Holy Spirit, John 7, Word, divide |
Set Your Mind On Things Above | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | mind, things, above, Paul, examine, self-examination, seek, kingdom, earth, God, affection, Colossians 3 |
The Faith of Our Children | Harvester Article | Copied | faith, children, Moses, Israelites, young, parents, teach, example, song, sing, creative |
Why Doesn't God Speak Directly Now? | Harvester Article | Scott Carpenter | God, speak, directly, communicate, communication, rich man, Lazarus, dead, prophets, priests, high priest, Jesus, Christ, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament |
Joint Participation | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | joint, participation, fellowship, worship, serve, serving, Lord's Supper, communion, believer, unbeliever |
The Artist | Other | Sam Dick | artist, God, worship, poem, poetry, praise, colors |
All Things Are Not Helpful | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | things, helpful, activities, Galatians 5, evil, lawful, edify, expedient, edification, 1 Corinthians, bad, good, beneficial, benefit |
Philippians 1 (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Philippians 1, Bible, scripture, context, Paul, Timothy, gospel, love |
Take Heed Lest You Fall | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | take, heed, lest, fall, Moses, Egypt, Israel, Israelites, Exodus, 1 Corinthians 10, pride, destruction, ability, careful, sower, parable |
Philippians 1 (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Philippians 1, Bible, scripture, context, Paul, Timothy, Christ, life, purpose, conflict |
Life After Death | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | rich, Lazarus, parable, Luke 16, life, death, Hebrews 9, judgment, time, earth, hades, hell, paradise, torments, gulf, heavens |
The Rich | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | rich, kingdom, riches, poor, trust, possessions, 1 Timothy 6, treasure, heaven, good works |
Philippians 2 (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Philippians 2, Bible, scripture, context, Paul, mind, unity, selfish, Christ, example, humble, humility, servant, rejoice, joy, work, positive, light, attitude |
A Strong Position (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | strong, position, goal, sin, temptation, weak, failure, success, examples, David, ark, Uzzah, 2 Samuel 6, situation, God, Bathsheba, 2 Samuel 11 |
Philippians 2 (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Philippians 2, Bible, scripture, context, Paul, concern, Timothy, Epaphroditus, sickness, work, Christ |
A Strong Position (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | strong, position, goal, sin, temptation, weak, failure, success, examples, Joseph, Potiphar, Egypt, Genesis 39, God, flee, battle, run |
Comfort | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Comfort, tribulation, trouble, suffering, persecution, God, Father, 2 Corinthians 1, hurt, repent, mercy, merciful, prodigal son, eternal life, eternal, death, suffer |
All Prayers | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | prayers, prayer, 1 Timothy 2, supplications, supplication, intercessions, intercession, thanks, thanksgiving |
Philippians 3 (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Bible, scripture, Philippians 3, rejoice, worries, worry, confidence, riches |
Be An Example | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | example, Timothy 1, Paul, youth, word, conversation, conduct, charity, love, spirit, faith, purity |
Philippians 3 (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Bible, scripture, Philippians 3, mindset, wisdom, humility, example, goal, heaven |
Secrets | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | secret, 1 Timothy 5, hidden, hide, deed, confess, sin, hypocrisy, hypocrite, alms, charity, charitable, good, bad, reward, work, works, evil, heart |
Philippians 4 (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Bible, scripture, Philippians 4, mind, rejoice, hope, moderation, gentleness, anxiety, peace, care, prayer, supplication, thanksgiving, worry, Psalms 23, Psalm 23, act, think, thoughts, true, honest, pure, lovely, of good report, follow, role model, example, ensample |
Godliness With Contentment | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | godliness, contentment, 1 Timothy 6, piety, God, faith, trust, love, rich, money, possessions, evil, desire |
Philippians 4 (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Bible, scripture, Philippians 4, thankful, thanksgiving, content, contentment, Christ, strength, communicate, communication, help, gifts, care, glory, receiving, giving |
O Thou My God | Other | Sam Dick | God, Lord, worship, poem, poetry, praise |
Distractions | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | distractions, worship, service, technology, idolatry, temptation, focus, concentration, devil, God, world |
Exercise | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | exercise, 1 Timothy 4, physical, health, godly, bodily, godliness, strength, weakness, chasten, chastening, tests, strong, spiritual |
Without Prejudice or Partiality | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | prejudice, partiality, 1 Timothy 5, Paul, Egypt, Joseph, Jesus, Jews, Samaritans, Gentiles, Cornelius, Peter, rich, poor, people, Galatians 3 |
Notes on Psalm 34 | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | Psalm 34, Paul, Silas, David, Goliath, Saul, Jonah, Hezekiah, Hagar, thief, angels, Lazarus, God, honor, respect, trust, obey, obedience, assurance |
Control | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | control, worry, God, Jesus, future, faith, deserve, prayer, Job, Elihu, man |
Man of God | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | man, God, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, temple, Lord, spirit, Holy Ghost, Timothy, righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness, gentleness |
Control (Part II) | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | control, worry, God, Jesus, today, tomorrow, mistreat, mistreatment, forgiveness, forgive, past, words, actions |
Be Holy | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | holy, God, pure, Israel, separate, set apart, church, Christians, believer, 2 Corinthians 6, unequally yoked, world, conduct |
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | blessed, pure, heart, beatitude, Matthew 5, 2 Peter 1, mind, faith, graces, growth, Christian, virtue, knowledge, temperance, self-control |
Grace, Love, and Communion | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | grace, love, communion, fellowship, epistle, blessing, 2 Corinthians 13, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Paul |
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart (Part II) | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | blessed, pure, heart, beatitude, Matthew 5, 2 Peter 1, mind, faith, graces, growth, Christian, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, philadelphia, agape, charity, love |
What Do You Think of Yourself | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | think, yourself, pride, humility, humble, proud, King Saul, Samuel, Pharisee, Luke 18, Romans 12, Galatians 6, compare, measure, honest, God, opinion, judgement, judgment, judge |
Itching Ears | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | itching, ears, Paul, 2 Timothy 4, preach, doctrine, prosperity, gospel, sexual immorality, truth, lies, false, prophets |
You Are Not Alone! (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | alone, lonely, Paul, 2 Timothy 4, Jesus, Elijah, loneliness |
Never Alone | Other | Anonymous | hymn, never, alone, song |
Hard Times | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | hard, times, difficult, easy, life, trials, tribulations, Romans 5, love, God, Christ, Moses, temporary, peace, joy, happiness, future, Christian |
How to Spot a Christian (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | Christian, signs, head, eyes, cheeks, tongue, chest, hands, knees, feet |
Identifying Jesus' Commandments | Harvester Article | Bill Prince, Jr. | identifying, identify, Jesus, commandments, commands, Peter, memorize, memory, 2 Peter 3, situation, facts, universal, simple, scriptures |
There Is A Season | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | season, Ecclesiastes 3, balance, God, controls, choices, faith |
Fear or Faith | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | fear, faith, God, opposites, promises, peace |
When Is An Untruth Not A Lie? | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | lie, truth, untruth, liar, false witnesses, Samuel, Paul, mistakes |
I Was Wrong | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | wrong, admit, admitting, sin, deceive, deception, confess, confession, forgive, forgiveness, repent, pride, cover, prodigal son, |
Pray Everywhere | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Paul, prayer, 1 Timothy 2, pray, everywhere, place, location, eating, giving thanks, holy hands, lifting, praise, worship, stance, position, wrath, doubting, faith, length |
Walk in the Spirit | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | walk, spirit, holy, physical, spiritual, fleshly, mind, desire, God, love, mercy, humble, humility, worship, fruit, Galatians 5 |
"Be Nice" | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | nice, kind, Ephesians 4, anger, upset, speaking, evil, Jesus, trespass, fault, love, neighbor, 1 Corinthians 13, social media, share |
The Fall | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | fall, Eve, Adam, man, Genesis 3, Satan, serpent, good, evil, purpose, will, God, creation |
Pass It On | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Jesus, harvest, gospel, Luke 10, Luke 6, men, pass, message, instruction, teach, family, children, neighbors, training, friends, acquaintances, share, laborers |
When Glory Becomes Commonplace | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | glory, commonplace, God, Exodus, Moses, Nadab and Abihu, Leviticus 10, sanctified, sanctify, glorified, glorify, assembly, Lord's Supper, communion, teaching, prayer, word, forgotten, forget |
Saul | Harvester Article | Mike Daniel | Saul, Paul, Apostle, Acts, story, repent, change, God |
Round Tuits (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | Felix, round, tuit, procrastinating, procrastinate, procrastination, clean, organize, walk away, Jesus, sin, redeem, redemption, grace, mess |
Be Not Deceived | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | deceived, deceive, actions, thoughts, God, sow, reap, plant, flesh, spirit, sin, errors, Galatians 6 |
Round Tuits (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | round, tuit, procrastinating, procrastinate, procrastination, priority, priorities, God, Jesus, first, Proverbs 2, redeem, time, daily |
Judas | Harvester Article | Mike Daniel | Judas Iscariot, betray, Jesus, silver, prophecy, Psalms, Zechariah, David, remorse, stray, fall away |
A Time Such As This | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | time, times, Esther 4, pandemic, worhip service, church, God, history, events, Revelation 3, Laodicea, Laodiceans, wealth, Philadelphia |
Joseph | Harvester Article | Mike Daniel | Joseph, Jacob, brothers, Genesis 37, Pharaoh, Egypt, Israel, Acts 7, jealous, covet |
The Songs That We Sing | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | songs, sing, spiritual songs, hymns, psalms, worship services, David, praise, worship, song leader |
All Scripture | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | scripture, gospel, 2 Timothy 3, Paul, Old Testament, New Testament, writings, history, instruction, wisdom, psalms, prophecy, inspired, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, doctrine, reproof, correction |
Belly Gods and Towers of Babel | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | belly, gods, towers, Babel, collective, individual, worship, God, family, values, Sodom, Gomorrah, flood, Philippians 3, Genesis 11 |
Peace - What the Church Can Mean to You (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Kent Dickinson | peace, church, God, Christ, Matthew 16, Ephesians 2, body, Spirit |
Sacrifices | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | sacrifices, Old Testament, priests, animals, Jesus, Christ, offering, praise, thanks, body, worship, good, God |
Peace - What the Church Can Mean to You (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Kent Dickinson | peace, church, God, Christ, Ephesians 2, cross, salvation, blood, body, house |
Hear Thou Plainly, I Am A Christian (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Dwight Thomas | Christian, worship, freedom, Polycarp, Romans, martyr, Christ, death |
An Old Hope | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | old, hope, Romans 8, prayer, answer, yes, no, uncertainty, question, Spirit, adoption, God, Christ, Jesus, simple, complex, faith |
From the Scriptures: About Deceiving Yourself | Scriptures | | Deceiving, deceive, deception, yourself, man, selves, heart, himself, self, scriptures |
Commandments | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | commandments, ten, Exodus 20, Moses, God, Hebrews, covenant, love, greatest, law, Jesus, Christ |
From the Scriptures: About Those Who Overcome | Scriptures | | scriptures, overcome, rewards, endure, persevere, perseverance, Revelation |
Sin's Battlefield | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | sin, battlefield, warfare, Christian, Eden, 1 John 2, community, country, morality, morals, values, environment, church |
Sin's Battlefield: Individual Motivation | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | sin, battlefield, warfare, individual, motivation, Christian, Joshua, community, communities, society, void, empty, emptiness, God, Romans 8, values, adoption, grace |
Sin's Battlefield: God Our Heavenly Father | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | sin, battlefield, warfare, Christian, God, Father, heavenly, Ephesians 6, parent, adoption, Romans 8, sin, inheritance |
Sin's Battlefield: Perception | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | sin, battlefield, warfare, Christian, perception, Romans 8, persecution, now, forever, eternity, temporary, eternal, Holy Spirit, hope, suffering, soldier, armor, Joshua 24, resource |
From the Scriptures: About Anxiety | Scriptures | | scriptures, anxiety, worry, care |
The Other 98 Percent | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | time, God, study, worship, teach, children, Deuteronomy 6, parents, service, child, home, world |
Do Not Love the World | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Paul, 2 Timothy 4, Demas, love, world, rich, God, enjoy |
Tomorrow | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | tomorrow, worry, planning, future, Jesus, Matthew 6, Philippians 4, care, anxiety, peace, time, God |
Liberty | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | liberty, freedom, oppression, sin, Christ, Jesus, gospel, righteousness, servants, slaves |
The Power of the Word | Harvester Article | Kent Dickinson | power, word, God, scriptures, Bible, inspired, inspiration, 2 Timothy 3, Hebrews 4, light, understanding, faith, quickens, alive, draws, save, salvation, convert, conversion, new birth, baptism, comfort |
From the Scriptures: About Spiritual Thirst | Scriptures | | spiritual, thirst, Psalm, drink, water, life |
Psalms and Their Accompanying Records in Scripture | Harvester Article | | Psalms, David, scripture, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel |
A Lifetime of Confession | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | lifetime, confession, Matthew 10, Jesus, God, Messiah, belief, public, demonstration, faith, verbal, Romans 12, choices |
The Spiritual Perspective | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | spiritual, perspective, Matthew 5, spirit, law, letter, Moses, God, serve, love |
Identifying Jesus' Commandments (On Being Fruitful) | Harvester Article | Bill Prince, Jr. | Jesus, commandments, fruitful, parable, growing, growth, digging, dunging, vineyard, weeds, sin, lust, covet, obedience, life, death |
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 | Scriptures | | Shema, Israel, Deuteronomy 6, love, God, Lord |
A Convenient Season | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | convenient, season, Felix, Acts 24, Paul, time, convenience, tomorrow, treasure, earth, heaven, parable, rich, possessions, God, Word, Jesus, |
Spiritual Riches (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | spiritual, riches, job, money, income, Lazarus, rich man |
Getting in Trouble | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | trouble, chasten, Proverbs, Solomon, correction, love, instruction, commandment, Lord, fear |
Your Adornment | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | adornment, clothes, clothing, 1 Peter 3, heart, outward, inward, physical |
Yes, And... | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | prayer, answer, yes, God, Hannah, 1 Samuel 1, Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20, response, Peter, Acts 12, Jesus, Gethsemane, Matthew 26 |
From the Scriptures: About Children | Scriptures | | scriptures, children, child, youth, father, mother, parents |
Integrity | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | integrity, principles, light, Christ, David, Psalm 26, Solomon, faith, lying, lie, truth, judge, God |
What Must We Do To Be Saved? | Harvester Article | | salvation, saved, hear, receive, believe, Jesus, repent, confess, baptized, baptism, sins, faith |
Murmur Not Among Yourselves (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | murmur, complain, John 6, Jesus, words, optimistic, optimism, pessimistic, pessimism, judge |
Broken Windows of Sin | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | broken, windows, sin, steward, parable, Luke 16, faithful, problems, soul, body, clean, life |
From the Scriptures: Psalm 22 | Scriptures | | scriptures, psalm 22, David, prophecy, prophetic, Jesus, cross, cruxifixion, crucify |
Don't Forget God | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | God, forget, unthankful, thankful, Deuteronomy 8, ungrateful, talent, remember, prayer, blessings, day, daily, Daniel, commandments, David |
Endurance | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | endurance, parable, seed, Luke 8, ground, rock, commitment, temptation, trials, promises, faith, patience, diligence, Job |
Be A Sacrifice, Not A Transaction | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | sacrifice, transaction, Romans 12, salvation, Jews, Gentiles, living, Abraham, Paul, burnt, best, offer, offering, voluntary, reservation, dedicated, Mary, Martha, choice, resources |
From the Scriptures: About Thankfulness | Scriptures | | thankfulness, grateful, praise, thanksgiving, thanks |
Known by the Fruit | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | known, fruit, false prophet, sheep, wolves, leaders, religious, Christians, Jesus, good works, words, mouth, heart, Holy Spirit, God, bear |
Light | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | light, darkness, creation, world, candle, sun, moon, shine, lighthouse, God |
Low Expectations | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | low, expectations, environment, minimum, routine, habit, pattern, standard, Christians, high, one another, congregations, Deuteronomy 4, Moses, Paul, God, Pharisees, Jesus, Joshua |
Ten Lessons Learned From Noah | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | Noah, Genesis, lessons, learned, boat, ark, plan, alert, critics, travel, hurry, distress, inadequate, storm |
Receiving God's Word (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Kent Dickinson | receiving, God, word, Bible, Acts 17, 1 Peter 1, knowledge, truth, seed, author, God-breathed, abide |
Courage to Preach | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | 2 Timothy 4, preach, courage, disciples, Christ, word, evangelist, evangelize, preacher, Aquila, Priscilla, Apollo, gospel, Christian |
Receiving God's Word (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Kent Dickinson | receiving, God, word, Bible, purification, price, blood, Christ, baptized, baptism, sins, washed, Acts 8, obey, truth, cleanse, salvation |
The Golden Rule | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | golden, rule, Matthew 7, forgive, mercy, merciful, forgiving, need, love, brother, brethren |
From the Scriptures: About Kindness to Others | Scriptures | | scriptures, kindness, others |
Accountability | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | accountability, responsibility, freedom, consequence, Adam, Genesis 3, blame, Cain, Genesis 4, wrong, right, Noah, Genesis 9, temptation, sin |
From the Scriptures: About Hospitality | Scriptures | | scriptures, hospitality, charity, need, giving, give |
The Full Armor | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | Ephesians 6, armor, God, truth, righteousness, gospel, peace, faith, salvation, spirit, sword, word |
The Virtuous Woman | Scriptures | | scriptures, virutuous, woman, women, Proverbs 31 |
Godly Mothers in the Bible | Harvester Article | | godly, mothers, Bible, Jochebed, Moses, Naomi, Ruth, Hannah, Samuel, Lois, Eunice, Timothy, Mary, Jesus |
Contentment | Harvester Article | Ricky Murphy | contentment, Philippians 4, satisfied, satisfaction, Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Paul, content, gain, Jesus, Christ |
Was I Worth It? | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | worth, effort, sacrifice, Hebrew 10, lepers, thankful, appreciate, appreciation, grateful, gratitude |
See Your Brother in Need | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | brother, need, necessity, charity, give, giving, 1 John 3, love, God, commandment, help, commands, poor, needy, helping |
Knowing God | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | knowing, God, knowledge, Lord, Matthew 7, Jesus, relationship, known, sheep, shepherd, commandments, keep, works, love |
Take No Thought (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | take, no, thought, worry, anxious, anxiety, care, soul, Solomon, bird, lilies, flowers, need, necessity, faith, God |
Psalm 117 | Scriptures | | scriptures, Psalm 117, praise, Lord |
Positive Christian Living (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Kent Dickinson | positive, Christian, living, John 10, life, optimism, optimistic, negative, negativity, pessimistic, pessimism, knowing, God, Christ, growing, serving, belief, believing, trust, trusting, good, body, thinking, thoughts, |
Parable of the Talents | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | parable, talents, money, master, servants, waste, nothing, time, judgment, judgement, end, watching, watch, value |
Positive Christian Living (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Kent Dickinson | positive, Christian, living, Philippians 2, success, thinking, thoughts, self-confidence, power, God, Jesus, Christ, Spirit, mind, worry, anxiety, habit |
The Fruit of the Spirit | Harvester Article | | Galatians 5, love, charity, joy, peace, longsuffering, patience, kindness, belief, humility, gentleness, goodness, virtue, faith, meekness, temperance, self-control, |
Concupiscence | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | concupiscence, Colossians 3, forbidden, evil, longing, lust, sins, Romans 1, Romans 7, desire |
The Forbidden Fruit | Scriptures | | Adam, Eve, Eden, serpent, forbidden, fruit, Genesis 3 |
Quality Over Quantity | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | quality, quantity, Luke 16, living, kind, people, fruit, evil, good, words, tongue, friends, work, possessions |
The Tongue | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | tongue, talk, words, language, speak, James 3, gossip, problem, fire, poison, bless, curse, good, praise, evil, hurtful, worship, heart, Psalm 141 |
An Evening Prayer | Other | C. Maud Battersby | hymn, song, lyrics, prayer, evening, forgive, forgiveness |
The Called, the Willer, and the Runner (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | call, called, calling, will, willer, run, runner, Romans 8, Romans 9, answer, predestination, purpose, invitation, foreknowledge |
Do Not Harden Your Heart | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Egypt, children of Israel, Israel, Moses, plagues, harden, heart, Pharaoh, Hebrews 3, Exodus, soft, hard, develop, Joshua, serve, God, Lord, rest |
The Called, the Willer, and the Runner (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | call, called, calling, will, willer, run, runner, Romans 8, Romans 9, gift, Jews, Gentiles, Jewish, Paul, Isaac, Esau, Jacob, Pharaoh, foreknowledge, God, choices, action, power |
How Readest Thou? | Other | Unknown | how, readest, thou, poem, poetry, Bible, scriptures, read |
From the Scriptures: The Bible Is Written With a Purpose | Scriptures | | scriptures, purpose, Bible, write, written, learn, examples, ensamples |
Strife or Peace | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | strife, peace, works, flesh, problems, church, conflict, fruit, spirit, argue, quarrel, argument, humble, humility, love, fruit, spirit |
"How Good and How Pleasant" (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | Psalm 133, good, pleasant, brethren, unity, correction, team, peace, peacemaker, problems, conflects, strife |
Talking to God | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | talking, God, conversation, prayer, communication, communicating, praying, sing, praise, relationship, Luke 11, Lord, Jesus, Nehemiah, Moses, Daniel, need, want |
Fruits Worthy of Repentance | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | Luke 3, fruits, worthy, repentance, John the Baptist, fruit, repent, society, wealthy, business, tax, publicans, soldiers, military, average, workers |
What Are You Worth? | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | worth, value, Romans 1, society, freedom, self, belief, God, church, membership, body, physical, spiritual, contentment, modesty |
From the Scriptures: The Importance of Knowing Scripture | Scriptures | | importance, scripture, knowing, knowledge, important, Bible, word, God |
Why I Believe the Bible | Harvester Article | Kent Dickinson | why, believe, Bible, 2 Timothy 3, philosophy, men, man, inspired, Jews, Moses, John, harmony, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, contradictions, believer, theme, Christ, prophecy, prophetic, zeal, Laodicea, study |
Beware of Javelins! (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | Saul, David, beware, javelins, spear, devil, Satan, foolish questions, questions, excuses, sin, neglect, traditions, philosophy, philosophies, superstitions, man, men, 1 Peter 5 |
Search the Scriptures: About the Lord | Scriptures | | about, Lord, God, Jehovah, Yahweh, mercy, merciful, grace, gracious, longsuffering, goodness, truth, forgiving, forgiveness, just, judgement, judgment, justice, righteousness, righteous, lovingkindness, slow to anger, judge |
Salt | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | salt, Matthew 5, food, seasoning, preserve, Dead Sea, sacrifice, sacrificial, offering, covenant, spread, city, Jesus, Sermon on the Mount, flavor, saltiness, weakness, sin, speech, words, speak, thoughts, seasoned |
Give an Answer | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | give, answer, faith, 1 Peter 3, sanctify, dress, speech, good, world, believe, belief, creation, evolution, reason, hope, meekness, fear, prepared |
God's (Un)Conditional Love | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | God, unconditional, conditional, love, Jesus, lifestyle, layers, John 3, opportunity, John 14, obedience, condition, obey, Israel, exodus, Egypt, 1 Corinthians 5, approve, disapprove, sin |
From the Scriptures: About Edification | Scriptures | | edification, scriptures, edify, brethren, love, uplift, build |
Offenses | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | offences, offenses, stumble, Matthew 18, offend, sin, fall, Balaam, Balak, Numbers, Revelation 2, actions, 1 Corinthians 8, brother |
Old Wives' Tales | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | old, wives, tales, fables, doctrine, example, 1 Timothy 4, Bible, error, twist, principle, difficult, passages, Berea, Bereans |
Friendship | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | friendship, friends, influence, David, Jonathan, Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Amnon, Jonadab, Tamar, Bathsheba, Joab, iron |
Which Syndrome Do You Have?(Reprint) | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | syndrome, disease, condition, symptoms, idol, idle, eye dull, blindness, I dole, generous, give, giving, physician, sick |
The Lost Book (Reprint) | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | lost, book, Bible, 2 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 34, Josiah, Hilkiah, Shaphan, law, temple, word, God, Hebrews 4, read, study, meditate, learn, preach, gospel |
Seek First | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | seek, first, priorities, priority, kingdom, God, church, heaven, parables, righteousness, time, energy, needs |
Missed Opportunities (Part 1) | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | missed, missing, opportunities, parable, talents, Matthew 25, gain, listen, time, unwisely, excuses, hear, distractions, Christian, gospel |
Why Does God Permit Evil to Prevail? | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | why, God, permit, evil, prevail, choose, choices, harm, wrong, rulers, kings, Esau, Jacob, Abraham, Abram, Isaac, Amorites, Joseph, Israel |
Missed Opportunities (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | missed, missing, opportunities, Samaritan, well, John 4, disciples, Matthew 19, rich young ruler, commandments, observant, observing, observe, observation, prosperity, riches, community |
Priorities in Life | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | priorities, priority, life, first, Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Luke 10, choices, riches, treasure, God, bless, blessings |
Are You Too Comfortable? | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | comfortable, compromise, easy, ease, uncomfortable, choice, God, world, Moses, 2 Corinthians 4, Saul, Paul, complacency, complacent, lukewarm, Laodicea, Revelation 3, 2 Corinthians 1 |
Proverbs About Laziness | Scriptures | | proverbs, scriptures, scripture, laziness, slothful, sluggard, ant, poverty |
As a Little Child | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | Matthew 18, little, child, children, kingdom, heaven, God, dependent, dependence, obedient, obey, teachable, learn, grow, mature, word, humble, humility |
How Did God Get Here? | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | children, questions, origin, God, understand, explain, here |
Peter's Advice for the Persecuted | Scriptures | | 1 Peter 4, Peter, persecuted, advice, reproach, trials, suffering, Christ, Jesus, judgment, judgement, sinner, righteous |